Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sharing of my old model

Imperial Japanese Navy Type-0 Observation Seaplane (零觀)

1. Introduction:

The main objective of an observation seaplane is to remain in mid air between the friend and enemy fleets and to spot and report the fall of friend shots by radio in order to lead the gun fight favourable to the friend fleet.

Before the emergence of the Type-Zero observation seaplane, the reconnaissance ship-plane served both purposes of observation and reconnaissance. However, due to the progress of carrier-based aircraft, it had become common knowledge that a fleet escorted by an aircraft carrier from which numerous defense fighter could fly out. As a result, a reconnaissance ship-plane which lacking of speed and easy maneuverability could not carry out its observational duty against the enemies’ fast moving carrier fighters.

2. Development of the Type-0 seaplane:

In the 1930s, the Japanese Navy felt the need of development of a particular kind of aircraft specialized solely in observational duty with superior climbing power, fighting ability and high speed. In 1934, The Navy asked the three aircraft manufacturing companies of Kawanishi, Aichi and Mitsubishi to start on trial manufacture of this particular kind of airplane.

Before starting the work on this plane, Mitsubishi company studied the pros and cons of mono and bi-planes and also mono and twin-floats with a view to decide which type of plane should be adopted as the best. The co9mpany concluded that fighting capability should first of all, be stressed even at the cost of speed to some degree and thus, a biplane structure is more favourable because of its small wing loading and also that the single-float type is much better when its fast maneuverability is considered.

In order to lessen harmful resistance tendency due to the biplane structure, an elliptical instead of an oblong-shaped wing was preferred. When mass produced, it was further decided that the latter wing, should be changed into a trapezium-shaped, thin wing and props between upper and lower wings were to be a single one type.

Base on these decisions, Mitsubishi began its design work. The trial-plane was completed and passed the flying test by the Navy in March, 1937, and its type was officially adopted by the latter in preference to those of the two rival companies, Kawanishi and Aichi. The plane was named as Type-Zero Observation Seaplane in October, 1939, and mass-produced as the 1st bi-seaplane for the Japanese Navy.

Equipped with the 780 HP Zuisei-13 engine, the plane could fly along at 320 km/h, considered the fastest maximum for any seaplane throughout the world at tat time. It was armed with two 7.7 mm fixed machine guns and a single flexible machine gun at the rear of its fuselage.

Its war records were outstanding, sometimes fighting even with enemy fighters in the air battle thanks to its superior circling capability, while going out far to destroy enemy submarines under the sea with its two 30kg bombs. Thus, the plane was very widely used not only in the normal activities but also serve other multi-purposes role as well.

3. Specifications:

Overall length : 9.5 m
Overall width : 11 m
Overall height : 4 m
Engine : Zuisei-13 type of 780 HP
Number of crew : 2
Maximum speed : 320 km/h at 5000 ft.
Crusing distance : 400 nautical mile
Armament : Two 7.7 fixed machine guns, one flexible machine gun
and two 30 kg bombs.
Number of production : 988

4. All About this Model:

I built this model with no intention of cherish Fascist but to present to you a seaplane that has been built during the WW2 era. In fact, I think it is important to educate our younger generation to know and understand this period of history so that same mistake will not happen again. Modeling may be a good means to it.

This model represents one of the observation seaplane carried by the IJN battleship Musashi.(武藏) Musashi is the second Yamato class (大和級)battleship that took parts in numerous battles during World War Two in the Pacific. Since this plane was carried by the second Yamato class battleship, the marking on its tail was numbered as AI-2 in yellow colour.

This 1/50 scale model kit is first produced by Tamiya, Japan in 1967. Although it is an old model kit, the high quality of the kit is still acceptable by today’s standard. However, there are some mistakes in this kit. Therefore I had made some amendments to this model. In 2009, Hasegawa has released this plane in 1/48 scale and the quality is surely to be better, however, the price will be 3.5 times of the Tamiya price.

I do not use any after market photo etched (PE) or resin upgrade set in this model. I only use simple plastic stripes, putty and sewing threads as riggings to make this kit be more accurate and add details. I always believe that by using the simplest materials to add detail to my model is the most creative and fun way to exercise my mind. It is also a good example for new and young modelers who are unable to afford expensive PE or resin upgrade sets that modeling may not necessary be expensive and difficult.

I used post shading method instead of pre-shading method to paint the plane. Oil washes, filtering and paint chippings were followed as the usual stuff for weathering the model.

Since this is a seaplane, therefore I decided to add sea wave as the base of this model. I used paper clay to make the water and painted it using airbrush. However, I also decided to show the sea wave partially to create the movement feel of this aircraft. When look at my completed model after a 7 days struggle, I think my only regret is that I couldn’t make it fly.

I hope you enjoy reading my notes as well as my model, modelers and non modelers alike. Thank you and happy modeling.



  可能是开发年代久远的关系,在我制作此款模型时,还是发现了一些小缺点,于是动用简单的补土,胶条,铁丝和缝纫线加以纠正或修改。我一般上不太喜欢用蚀刻片(Photo etched)或树脂(Resin)改装套件,因为我觉得使用这些套件无法发挥个人创意和动脑筋,将会失去许多制作模型的乐趣。此外,我也想借此机会向许多刚开始接触模型的朋友传达一个讯息:那就是制作模型不一定需要购买昂贵的改装套件。以免他们因为不知如何使用改装套件而对制作模型感到却步。时至今日,看到身边许多制作模型的多数是中年或老年人士,如果我们使年轻的一代觉得制作模型是件昂贵与痛苦的事,恐怕这门艺术就真是“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”了。


Sharing of my new model

WW2 German Type XXIII U-Boat

There were 61 German Type XXIII U-boats commissioned during World War 2. The first XXIII, U-2321, was launched on 17 April, 1944. The development of the Type XXIII was given very high priority. To reduce development time, Dr Walter designed the new boat based on the previous Type XXII prototype.
By June 1943, the initial design was ready and construction began in parallel at several shipyards in Germany, France, Italy and German occupied USSR. The Type XXIII had an all welded hull design, and was the first submarine in the world to use a single hull design. For the power plant, the Type XXIII used the MWM RS-348 diesel engine, which was already in use as a diesel generator aboard the Type IXDs. The electric motor was the AEG GU 4463/8, which was a simplified version of the electric motors employed on the Type VIIs. Handling wise, the Type XXIII proved to be an excellent boat, which was highly maneuverable both on the surface and underwater. Crash dive time was a quick 9 seconds.
Construction of this advanced submarine faced many disruptions caused by Allied land advances, constant aerial bombings, materials and manpower shortages. Therefore, by the end of the war, out of 280 submarines ordered, only 61 had entered service.
At the end of World War 2, more than 20 of Type XXIII submarines surrendered to the Allies and only 3 remained in use after the war. (U-2326, U-2353 and U-4706)


  U23潜艇的初始设计在1943才完成,接着建造工作在德、法、意和苏联占领区的造船厂进行。U23型潜艇采用焊接船体,而且是世界上第一艘采用单层船体设计的潜艇。在动力方面,该艇采用MWM RS-348型柴油引擎,该引擎在U9D型潜艇上已经作为柴电发电机使用。电动机为AEG GU4463/8型,是U7型潜艇上使用的电动机的简化型号。该舰性能非常优秀,无论是在水面还是在水底均具有极好的机动性,紧急下潜速度仅有9秒。
